Cancer generally means when abnormal cells grow (multiplies) uncontrollably, whereby some may eventually spread to other tissues in the human body parts.Therefore breast cancer simply is when the abnormal cells in the breast begins to grow.

Breast cancer have become so common amongst women, due to this any slight pain felt by a woman would already be assumed to be breast cancer either by her or some random person that does not know any slight thing about breast cancer, without going for check ups or consulting a doctor. Here are some easy steps to follow, before seeing your doctor.

1.    Feel your breast to see if there is any lump or thickening that feels different from the tissue.
2.    Observe if there is a change in size, or appearance or shape of your breast.
3.    Observe any changes to your breast skin, for example dimpling in the breast.
4.    Observe any peeling or flaking of the pigmented area of skin surrounding the nipple or breast skin.
5.    Observe any colour changes on your breast skin and the nipples.

An interview with DR Lawali, would enlighten us more about Breast cancer in general.You can ask your questions in the comment section below as I give you update and answers immediately.
          1. Do men also have breast Cancer?
  Ans-    Yes, it sounds strange but some percentage of men have breast Cancer, the percentage is very minimal but a substantial percentage is found in women. But the truth is some men have breast cancer.

          2. I heard giving Conceiving late can lead to Breast Cancer, is it true?
  Ans-     It not one of the things that can lead to breast Cancer but we call it a risk factor, "Elderly Nullipara" is the terminology we use for them, "nulli" means "not at all", "para" means "giving birth", they are at risk of developing the disease, it a risk factor actually for breast cancer.
          3. Can Cancer be inherited?
  Ans-     Yes it can be inherited, If you have ever been to a hospital with a patient that has breast Cancer, the first question they ask is "Is there anybody in the family especially from your mother side that has it" we call it first degree relative, if there is anyone in the family that has it the chances that such a person would have it is higher. It runs in families.
         4. Can women who have not given birth before have cancer?
 Ans-    Of course they can have it.
         5. What is a Mammography?
 Ans-     It is one of the a diagnostic procedure for breast cancer, although it is not only women that has breast cancer that are advised to do a mammography, 


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